Masks have been used by different people and civilizations throughout history - from actors in ancient Greek plays, to masked balls. There was even a golden mask found in Tutankhamen's tomb. Masks still have meaning in many cultures today.

At what times of the year do we wear masks? (Halloween!). Why we do this - is it to look like someone else, or is to scare people? Discuss some of these ideas with your friends and see what answers you come up with. You may be able to use some of these ideas to help you make and decorate your masks, or even to build a story around the different characters when you have created them.

There are three different types of mask to make as part of this activity - a paper plate mask, a template mask and a papier-mâché mask. They all involve different materials and equipment and some are more complicated than others, so choose the one you're happiest to try. The papier-mâché mask is also very messy, so you might want to check with an adult before you choose that one!