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What if?
... you wanted to make music
  Pop, rock, indie, house, techno, disco… there are many different types of music that you can listen to today. There are also loads of different musical instruments that you can play - I bet you can think of plenty.

However, if you want to make music, it's not always easy to get your hands on an instrument. So what can you do?

Simple. You either use the What If Music Maker, or you make your own instruments!

The Music Maker lets you put together your very own track from the comfort of your chair. And if that's not good enough, it even uses sounds that you could easily make at home. So once you've practised using the Music Maker, you can try making your own instruments and playing your own tunes!


Meet up with Nicole in the music section of BrainBox. She's got loads of information on music, and on how you can make your own instruments and sounds. Check it out!

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