Pollution from traffic
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What if?
... the planet really is heating up

What if the planet really is heating up? That sounds like a pretty serious question, doesn't it? Well, it is very serious, and although it sounds strange, the planet really is getting warmer. But why?

The world's changed a lot in the last 100 years. Think about it - cities, cars, trains, shops, TVs, mobile phones. Everything seems to be newer, bigger and better than ever before.

The trouble is that the planet we live on, the Earth, isn't coping very well with our modern lifestyles. For thousands of years we haven't had central heating in our houses, high streets full of shops or planes that can take us anywhere in the world. Suddenly, in just over 100 years, we've invented and built all of these things and more.

All of these things seem to be taking a strain on the Earth, and one of the effects is that the planet is getting warmer. To find out exactly how and why, join Nicole in the BrainBox section.

When you know your stuff, take up your position as Chief Reporter for the GridClub Times and travel the world writing articles about the environment.


For more information on the environment and some great practical ideas on how you can get involved and help, go to the Home and Away section of GridClub and visit Planet.com.


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