The Mammal Age Dawns
What happens when most of the animal groups of the world become extinct at the same time? Nature tries again. This happened after all the dinosaurs and all sorts of other creatures vanished at the end of the Cretaceous period. Why they suddenly died out is a mystery, but we know that immediately afterward, the mammals took over. The mammals had evolved from the mammal-like reptiles but had remained as tiny, mouselike animals throughout the age of the dinosaurs.
(A) THE NEW COAL FORESTS The forests of the early Tertiary period formed the brown coal deposits of Germany.
(B) FLYING MAMMALS Bats evolved to take the place of the pterosaurs.
(C) HUNTERS Meat-eating mammals fed on the wide variety of plant eaters.
(D) ODDITIES Some mammals were quite unlike any animals today. It is as if new designs were being tried out.
(E) ANTEATERS Insects were common, and soon mammals evolved that fed on them.
(F) PLANT EATERS Piglike mammals rooted through the undergrowth.
(G) HEDGEHOGS Some animals had armour to protect themselves from meat eaters.
Prehistoric Life
The Mammal Age Dawns