The Middle Kingdom
Egypt was united once more by the kings of the 11th Dynasty. Trade revived, and the country grew rich again. More farming land was gained by draining the Faiyum Lake. New quarries and mines were dug in the Sinai Desert. Nubia, part of Africa, was brought under Egyptian rule.
It was a great age of art and crafts. The language reached its finest form. Students of ancient Egypt today learn the language of the Middle Kingdom.
The kings of the 13th Dynasty were less powerful. Again, the royal government lost control. The kings of the 15th Dynasty were foreigners, known as the Hyksos.
(A) MUSICIANS Musicians played many kinds of instruments, including reed pipes, harps, and a stringed instrument like a banjo.
(B) DANCERS Men did not dance much, but girl dancers performed at feasts. Dwarfs were popular jesters.
(C) NUBIANS People from Nubia (in Africa), captured in war or sold into slavery, worked as servants.
(D) MAIDSERVANTS Rich people had many servants, mainly girls. At banquets, most of the entertainers and waitresses were young women.
(E) FOOD AND DRINK Rich people had a varied diet, with plenty of meat and vegetables. They drank wine or beer.
The Egyptians
Ancient Egypt
The Middle Kingdom