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Most entertainment in the Roman Empire was free. Events were paid for by rich and ambitious men. By putting on a lavish show, they hoped to gain popularity and improve their chances of winning elections for positions in politics.
Though it was free to enter, people were not allowed to sit anywhere they liked in the arena or theatre. Front seats were reserved for the rich. Poorer people sat behind, and slaves had to sit right at the back.
Musical theatre and concerts were popular, but the best-attended events were violent ones like chariot races and gladiator shows. The main event at gladiator shows was a fight between men armed with different kinds of weapons.

The retiarius was a gladiator armed with a net and trident. He would entangle his opponent in the net before spearing him.

The murmillo was a heavily armoured gladiator. He could be a dangerous opponent. His only weakness was that his helmet obstructed his vision.
The Romans
The Romans