Nicole - BrainBox What if you wanted to make a portrait?
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So, if you want to make a portrait, what exactly do you need to do?

Well, it's easier if you know who or what you're going to do your portrait on! It might be a friend, someone in your family, somebody famous, or a pet. When you know this, you can start looking at how you are going to go about doing the portrait.

First, you might want to think about what sort of portrait you want to do. Will it be a drawing, painting or photo? Will it be a collage of lots of pictures pasted together? These are all 2-dimesional ways of doing a portrait, which means that they are on a flat surface and have no 'depth', but you might want to do something 3-dimensional, like a sculpture.

Then think about the size of the portrait: it could be as big as the real person you're going to portray, or as small as your thumb nail! It's up to you…

The next thing to think about is how the person or animal is going to look, their 'pose'. Do you want them to stand, to sit facing you, do you want to draw their face or their whole body? How do you want them to look?

There are loads of other things you might want to have in your portrait - you might want to include things that reflect the person you are drawing. Now, if I was doing a portrait of Andrea I'd HAVE to include chocolate somewhere!

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