Ok, so how about trying to choreograph some dance routines
for yourself? You could get together with your friends, or try a few steps
on your own in front of the mirror.
You could start off by looking at a pop video and seeing
the different moves that they make. See if you can copy one or two of
the moves (without tripping over your friend's feet!). Now see if you
can copy another one of the steps. Then put the two moves together, and
there you have it; part of your first dance routine. See if you can carry
on with some more dance steps.
The key thing to remember is that practice makes
perfect. Once you have done the steps a few times it becomes a lot easier.
Can you imagine a famous pop group trying to do a dance that they hadn't
rehearsed? They wouldn't look very good, and I bet they do a huge amount
of practice to make sure that the routine they do in their video, or on
a TV show looks as perfect as possible. Ballet requires a huge amount
of training and practice to build up body strength so that the ballerina
can balance gracefully. The important thing is that it is FUN!