Nicole - BrainBox What if you wanted your own website?
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A team of people is usually involved when building a professional website. Quite often this involves a lot of people, all with different skills.

Usually there is a Creative Team: a Graphic Designer who designs how the site looks, including the way the words appear (the typeface). In some sites Animators and illustrators use software called 'Flash' to create characters and make them move. There might also be an Editor or Writer who comes up with ideas about what the text should be about.

Some websites also need an Audio Team: if the site has any sound, like music, singing or sound effects, this would be recorded in a sound recording studio. There might be recording artists like a singer or musician and a sound recorder.

There will always be one or more Programmer whose job is to put together all of the words, graphics, sounds and animations together: this is the really tricky bit!


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